Home Kitchen Garden – Twelve Tips to Help You Grow a Successful Organic Garden the First Time!

Home & Tools

As a novice in home kitchen gardening, there are a few things that you must learn and understand. Here are some tips to help make sure that your attempt at gardening is successful right from the beginning.

Do …
* Look for a space that catches a lot of sunlight, plants need sunlight to produce their food to help them stay alive.
* Make sure that the soil is fertile and well cultivated, most of the nutrients are found in the soil so this is really a must.
* Plant crops that is in season, this will help you maximize your yield.
* Water the crops on a regular basis; water is needed in photosynthesis just like sunlight
* Protect your plants from stray animals by setting up defense such as gaps or walls
* Remove weeds and unwanted grass for they steal the nutrients that should be going to your plants.
* Fertilize the soil by adding natural fertilizers; this will make the soil healthier due to the abundance of nutrients.

Do not …
* Over water the plants for they may wither and die
* Eliminate all insects for most of those found in the home kitchen garden help the crops grow
* Do not use chemical based fertilizers, make your foods as safe as it can be, there are a lot of organic fertilizers that you can use as substitute
* Forget to harvest the crops regularly; this will help them become more productive
* Despair if you fail on your first try because as they say, practice makes perfect, so just keeping trying.

A home kitchen garden is very beneficial for it does not only provide fresh, healthy and safe foods on your table, it can also be a means of recreation for you and your family and a source of additional income. So, considering all of these benefits it is well worth the time and effort!