Dating Tips – Learn How to Distinguish Friendly and Romantic Dates

Hobbies & Toys

Any of us possess the nature of a social being. We need people to interact with, talk to, laugh along, argue with, love and be loved. Therefore dating is so popular.

There are several kinds of dating. Going out with a specific person or in groups to enjoy each others company is considered dating. We may go out to movies, sports activities, parks, or merely lazing around in the house. There are prepared dates and spontaneous dates. There are also dates that are satisfying and others becoming not so cool in the end. In short, dating is a social activity where a person has the opportunity to grow in the presence of another.

Being in a company is one opportunity to know a person or persons at a deeper level. Meeting them two or more times may develop the interest and the natural bond. Some end up becoming good friends for a lifetime, others mere acquaintances for some time and others end up having romantic relationships.

In this dating phenomenon, when can we identify if it is just a friendly date or a romantic date?

The following facts may help determine which is which:

1. Friendly date

  • The level of interest and curiosity is on the general activities of the person. For example, families, hobbies, skills, talents, and favourites
  • Both parties are not self-conscious of how they look and behave
  • They can talk about anything and everything without feeling awkward on how the other party will respond
  • A friend can easily say no to a date if he or she does not want to go
  • Setting or location does not necessarily have to be fancy
  • There are no sparks or chemistry going on and it is just a fun of being together
  • No effort of setting the best foot forward to prove that you can be likeable
  • No physical attraction present
  • No expectations of becoming girlfriend or boyfriend

2. Romantic date

  • There is an added pressure to look good on a date
  • Compromising what you really want over the desires of the person you asked to go out with
  • Not able to say no to the person you like especially when he or she asked you out
  • Has become more concerned with personal issues (example: daily activities, whom they get to spend time with, etc.)
  • You give your full attention and focus to what he or she says
  • You make extra effort to get a fancy place and set up a romantic tone
  • There is physical attraction
  • You think about him or her over and over again once you get home

There is not so much importance why one needs to be conscious whether he or she went out for a friendly date or a romantic one. The only concern though would be for both parties to be aware of any intentions or expectations that may potentially arise later on. At least both will have a clear cut understanding of their social status in their so-called budding relationship. Identifying which is which will spare them from getting confused whether they are only friends or are indeed romantically attracted to each other.