Important Tips About LCD Televisions

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Liquid crystal display television is now considered as the best option when it comes to flat panel category. Well known for energy efficiency, it is the hot favorite product of the consumers. When compared with other types of televisions, LCD generates lesser heat even if used for prolonged hours. These two factors make it environment friendly television, the core characteristic that attracts the attention of modern consumers. In the recent past LCD television technology was subjected to many up gradations to make it free from few minor aberrations it suffered in the early stages of its introduction in the markets.

At the outset, there is a general perception that LCD television is an expensive product especially when compared with the conventional CRT. But considering the qualitative advantages it offers, the consumers will be convinced that they have opted for a bargain. The cost of this television of 23 to 40 inches sizes is much lower than other flat panel televisions of same sizes. Further it is well known that LCD is a better choice when it comes to small screens. With the innovative natural light technology, its dynamic contrast ratio has been brought to 50,000:1. LCD television with HDMI input can offer superb digital display. It can also offer high definition audio and video output. Some models come with picture in picture feature which enables the viewer to watch two programmes simultaneously.

One of the advantages of this television is that it has no burn-in problem like its counterpart plasma. The early models of LCD had problems with viewing angles. But modern products offer 176 deg. viewing angles. Many of the LCD comes with VGA input making it capable to be a computer monitor. It is also free from altitude problems and can be used in hill stations etc without hassles. Enhanced response time and refresh rates in the LCD make it free from motion blur. LCD TVs will have no problems from ambient lighting and offer superior display irrespective of surrounding conditions. It can offer high definition output with superb color saturation.

Television market is functioning in a highly competitive environment. Well known manufacturers like Panasonic, Samsung, LG, Toshiba, Sony and Philips are among several leaders who offer innovative LCD televisions. Some of the latest ones have automatic light adjustments to match ambient lighting. Another feature incorporated in this television is the Dolby technology which will balance the volume of sound while maintaining Bass and Treble. Built-in USB port and SD card slot are provided in all LCD products. As for response time latest LCD models have 4 milliseconds, a feature which enhances the quality of display.

Periodical up gradations of technology, as mentioned earlier has helped LCD technology to eliminate almost all the inherent anomalies existed in the early models. Recent market surveys reveal that the demands for LCD are growing by 12 percent every year in the global market. The recent development of LED backlighting in this LCD TV is poised to give boost to the popularity of the products. The new technique is now being progressively implemented in several brands and models and it is expected that in another 5 years at least 25 per cent of LCD TVs will have LED back lighting feature. Even though this new feature will make the television a bit more expensive, the quality conscious consumer world will no doubt accept it without reservations.