The Facts About Buttock Injections

Health & Sports

Everybody loves a firm, round and juicy butt. Just look at Jennifer Lopez and Beyonce and what do they have in common – A big and sexy butt.

Having a nice, firm and sexy butt will bring you lots of attention while at the same time increases your confidence level. If you want to look great and sexy, then the first thing that you must do is to have a big butt and that can be achieved through buttock injections.

Buttock injection is a process whereby fat from other parts of the body is extracted and then injected into the butt. The areas that fat is being extracted are: abdomen, thighs and back and this is done through liposuction procedure. It is recommended we extract fat from one’s body instead of using fat from other people. This is to avoid the fat being rejected by the body.

With this process, you are actually killing two birds with one stone – extracting fat from one part of the body while increasing the roundness and firmness of the butt. The end result will be a great and curvy body figure which every woman desires. Isn’t that great? However, for individuals who are tiny and do not have much fat to be extracted, then they should consider buttock implants.

Before you decide to go for this procedure, do some research and talk to several cosmetic surgeons before making your final decision. Choosing a good and experienced cosmetic surgeon is important to avoid any unwanted side-effects or infection after the procedure. Furthermore, with an experience surgeon, the possibility of you having successful buttock injections is high and you will get the sexy look that you want.

The buttock injections will be done with many visits to the surgeons and sometimes up to hundreds of times. You need to find out the cost involved to ensure that you have sufficient funds for this procedure. Talk to the cosmetic surgeons and they should be able to give you an estimation of cost needed. A reminder that this procedure is not claimable under insurance and hence you need to use your own money for this purpose. If you don’t have enough funds, that save some money and once it is enough, go for it.

The buttock injections can be done within two hours under general anesthesia. Depending on each individual and the kind of butt one desires, the fat will be extracted according to the amount required and then injected stage by stage into the butt area. Normally 30% of the fat will be absorbed into the butt area within 6 to 8 weeks. If the result is not good, sometimes a second procedure may be carried out.

Like a normal operations, these injections also have risk of infections and bleeding. Since the butt has to work hard to support the body, there is a possibility that you may hurt your butt during the recovery process. This may cause bleeding and infection which needs immediate attention.

After the buttock injections procedure, if you see any swelling, bleeding or an uneven butt, you need to get back to your surgeon immediately for further checking; there may be a possibility of complications. If everything is fine, then you don’t have to worry about anything and enjoy the new firm butt that you have.