What Is Cushing Syndrome in Dogs?

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Cushing syndrome is one of the most common endocrine diseases that dogs can suffer. The common thing is that it appears in animals older than six years and among small dog breeds (such as Yorkshire, Maltese or Schnauzer bichon). It is a chronic disease that can not be prevented, but with the right treatment, your pet can enjoy a good quality of life. Below we tell you what it consists of and what are its possible treatments.

Origin of Cushing syndrome in dogs

This condition causes alterations in the metabolic system and occurs when the body begins to produce large amounts of the hormone cortisol (which is responsible for responding to stress). Excess of this hormone can cause health problems to your pet, such as damage to your vital organs or reduction of energy and strength.

These are the main causes of Cushing syndrome:

• Pituitary-dependent tumors

These tumors are located in the pituitary gland of the brain. It causes increased production of adrenocortical hormone-trope (ACTH) and over-stimulation. This leads to increased production of cortisol in the adrenal glands.

• Adrenal Tumors

These are tumors located in the adrenal glands. This abnormality affects the cortex of one or both glands (located in the upper extremities of the kidneys).

• Glucocorticoids

They are medicines used to combat or control allergy problems and immunosuppressive diseases. Their overuse can fill the body with cortisol while slowing the activity of the adrenal glands and reducing them in size.

• Racial predisposition

There are several breeds of dogs that tend to have pituitary tumors (poodle, tackle, Boston terrier, bobtail, German shepherd, dwarf poodle… ). On the other hand, the glucocorticoid’s effect especially races like the shepherds of the Pyrenees, the farmers, the boxers and the poodles, making them more susceptible to get this syndrome.

This disease can not be predicted or predicted, and you can not avoid it (except to control the doses of glucocorticoid’s), but detect it in time itself. The following are the most common symptoms for detection. If you detect any of them in your pet, we advise that you go to the veterinarian to diagnose it and, if necessary, start treating it as soon as possible

• Lack of hair on the body, especially on the sides and tail.

• Polyura increased urine.

• Polydipsia increased thirst.

• Increased appetite.

• Fatigue and continuous gasping.

• Abdominal swelling.

• Muscular atrophy.

• Dark pigmentation on the skin.

• Delayed healing.

How to Treat Cushing Syndrome in Dogs

The fundamental thing about this disease is that the endocrine system ceases to exceed the production of the hormone cortisol. But this is quite complicated since you have to find the exact proportion of hormone-regulating drugs. The good thing is that once this ratio is found your dog will be able to have a normal life again.

In addition to pharmacological treatment (which would be for life), there is also the possibility of surgery if the syndrome is caused by adrenal and pituitary-dependent tumors. The operation is to remove the tumor, but it is more risky and complex than the pharmacological treatment.

If you want to make sure that your dog receives the appropriate treatment, it is best that you go to your veterinarian and consult your doubts. He will know what is best for your dog and what is the right solution for him.

Do you but have or have you had Cushing syndrome? Did you detect any of the symptoms mentioned? Did you opt for a treatment or for the operation? Tell us your experience, sure that readers who suffer for their pets will be quieter.