World Cyber ​​Games 2009 – Chengdu, China


In November, Chengdu, a city in China, was the host of the largest electronic sport event of the year – the World Cyber ​​Games. Players from all over the world gathered for 3 days in order to compete against one another and find out who the best is.

This event had a total prize purse of over $ 100,000 and featured PC and console games like Warcraft3, Starcraft, Counter-Strike, Guitar Hero, Fifa and many others.

It is the most important competition of the year, a competition that was affected by the financial crysis and had to greatly reduce the prize money pot.

This event had over 100,000 spectators, mostly from Asia, the continent where E-Sport is at a higher level.
World Cyber ​​Games or WCG is like the Olympics in electronic games and therefore you can see why the interest is so high.

One of the most intense competitions was the Counter-Strike one, competition which saw the polish team AGAiN win their second second title as world champions after an intense match which lasted about 2 hours. fnatic from Sweden came in second, followed by Denmark's mTw and Russian team

This year, South Korea, the capital of E-Sport, won the WCG medal count collecting 8 medals, 3 being gold ones. Sweden came second with 3 medals and Germany completed the top 3 with 3 medals as well.

Top 10 was completed by Japan, China, Brazil, Poland, all with 2 medals, United States with 3 but not a single gold, Norway and Denmark with just one medal.