How to Write A Video Game Concept Statement


A game concept statement, or premise, is a short, direct description of the situation of a game. It describes the player’s goal, the opposition to that goal, and the means through which that goal will be accomplished. When dealing solely with the narrative portion of the script, the game concept statement reads like a […]

Top 5 Mental Math Methods in the World

Hobbies & Toys

Today you can define mental math in various different ways. Some would say, memorizing times table and remembering the solutions can form the part of mental mathematics. Some would say ability to perform simple calculations in your head can be mental mathematics. The web dictionary defines mental mathematics as “Computing an exact answer without […]

How to Grill Steak on a Panini Press

Hobbies & Toys

You may not have thought of grilling beef on a panini maker, but it can be done. With proper technique you can make delicious and juicy steak. The best part is that panini grills drains of excess fat. It takes 4 to 10 minutes to cook depending on the thickness of the stake. So […]

Prediction of Sudden Gains and Unexpected Prosperity in Astrology

Hobbies & Toys

In today’s world, most of the people wish to earn a lot of wealth and prosperity in their life, for fulfilment of their desires. Sometimes they choose risky steps to gain sudden benefits and prosperity. Lottery, shares, gambling, speculation are risky methods employed for sudden gains.While hidden treasures and unexpected inheritance also accounts for […]

69 Dirty Talk Messages to Crank Up Your Texting Life

Hobbies & Toys

The ability to text message from ANYWHERE on the planet is something new, and gives relationships something they’ve never had before…the ability to keep our relationships exciting, even if we are separated from our lovers. Now the hard part is trying to be creativity and erotic on your own. While sometimes it just rolls […]

3 Main Causes of Kernel Errors


A kernel error is a failure in some code critical to Windows. If you have ever encountered a Blue Screen of Death (BSoD), then you have seen a kernel error. Windows is actually several layers of programs made to work together. You can think of Windows as if it were your body, with many […]

4 Excellent Films Commemorating the Battle of Little Big Horn

Hobbies & Toys

In honor of June 26, we would like to recommend the following historically “accurate” films: Son of the Morning Star, Little Big Man, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, and American Experience’s Emmy award winning documentary Last Stand at Little Big Horn Between June 25 and 26, 1876, a combined force of Lakota and […]

Difference Between Chip and Wafer in Electronics


A chip is generally known as an Integrated Circuit, it’s an assembly of electrical parts which are made in one unit, however a wafer represents small slices of silicon which are utilized in the production of integrated circuits like the integrated circuits are used in most wafers. An integrated circuit is called a microchip, […]